Sign Up Business Portal
UI/UX Design
Background: REEF can connect property owners with underutilized space to a network of brands and services that can help them generate revenue.
The Problem: Currently the process of contracting potential clients, is through email and phone which can take hours and weeks before officially signing up to see an offer. Once they're contracted the user keeps track of their finances through excel, and keeps communication through email.
The Objective: Create an intuitive onboarding experience that is quick and easy to obtain what the property owners potential earning will be with REEF. Once they create an account, the user will be able to track their application through a portal. Future views would include their financial statements and other market opportunities catered to their properties information all in one place.
Success Metric: Property owners able to view potential offer in three steps.
Low Fidelity

High Fidelity

User Research for the
Sign-Up Enrollment
To begin conversations with prospective landlords about their experience with the newly released Sign-Up flow, I created a staging area in collaboration with User Researcher Lead, Caroline Keem.
Below are the key findings and recommendations.

Portal Screens
After signing up, a landlord has access to the REEF Business Portal. Here, users can keep track of their property application, connect to other opportunities.
Low Fidelity

High Fidelity

High-Fidelity Desktop Portal Screens

MVP High-Fidelity
Desktop Portal Screens
For users that are associated with an Enterprise Brand, such as Wendy's, the portal would also provide services such as tracking applications, matching with potential locations, and viewing financial reports.

Example of personas