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Research Design

Working as head designer for Undergraduate Studies at UCF, I worked closely with Undergraduate Research students. Soon later I discovered I loved creating graphics for STEM majors. Having the opportunity to learn something new and being able to reiterate it into a visual representation, allows me to really grasp the concept.

SACNAS t-shirt design

The ‘Fleet Farmer’ name refers to ‘Farmers’ on a ‘Fleet’ of bicycles, helping to manage the grow-to-harvest process of urban farming. The following video explains what the problem is and the sustainable solution, local Central Florida entrepreneur and urban farmer, John Rife conceptualized. I animated the infographics to break down the visual process.


This is currently an active community effort in Orlando, Florida.


One of the objectives of ICubed is to inform the UCF Community about scientific concepts. The project is meeting this objective by funding the STEAM Gallery Initiative which is an activity that encourages STEM researchers to expand their thinking and find ways to communicate their science to non-STEM audiences. 



Visualized in this poster is the process of deep learning and its graphical representation of learned behavior. What may seem cryptic and chaotic is actually a systematic daily process of our subconscious.

SACNAS Conference T-Shirt Design







The full acronym stands for Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science. At the SACNAS National Conference, UCF's chapter attended and wore representative t-shirts.

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